Although many people are now into the idea of losing weight, there are still those who focus on how to gain weight. The reasons behind the want to gain weight usually vary form one person to another but the fact remains that there are still those who would want to increase their body volume while the majority of the people in the society are dying to lose some.
Today, with all the shifts in the modern society, it is really hard to tell how long frenzy will take. If you are one of those people who are confused which fitness trend to follow, read on so you can have a grasp of which is really best for you.
Why gain weight?
Gaining weight has never been a trend until now.
Why? Since the commercialization of slim figures and thin frames by magazines and the by the fashion industry, the society has always considered being thin as sexy and more acceptable.
But now, more and more people are getting into weight gain for various reasons. One of the reasons why some people would like to gain weight is for their health. It has always been a fact that proper food intake is one of the key reasons to maintaining good health.
This is because the...