Understanding your credit score is important since it may help you determine your chances of being approved on your credit applications. Your credit reports score usually will help lenders and credit institutions to determine if you are good enough for credit that you have applied for. Lenders would need to be ensured that people they lend money to are able to pay back their loans. That is the purpose of a person’s credit report.
When a person applies for a personal loan or mortgage on their homes, lenders would usually check upon a person’s credit history to see if one is a good borrower in that he or she pays back on credit dues on time.
A person’s credit history would help lenders determine the risk of that they put themselves in when approving a person’s credit. In a way, credit institutions are trying to protect their own investments (in terms of handing out credit) by checking out a prospective borrower’s credit report score.
In essence, a person’s credit report is part of the lender’s background check. It is a detailed history of a person’s borrowing habits. From it, lenders are able to extract the...