If a woman believes she is experiencing signs of infection for the first time, she should see the doctor immediately if she is unsure of the treatment. The doctor will know the proper diagnosis for this type of infection.
Many people ask what the common yeast infection symptoms are. A woman can tell if she suffering if she has a thick vaginal discharge which looks a little like a cottage. But this symptom can be experienced by only about 20% of women who have yeast infections. The discharge may contain a starchy be yellow in color.
In view of the fact that not all women experience a discharge, the easiest way to tell if a woman has yeast infection is if she experiences itchiness in and around her vagina. The itchiness may go hand in hand with a burning sensation. The outer area and the vulva area can become swollen and red, this can result in painful urination and sexual intercourse may also be painful too.
These are the most common and general symptoms of yeast infection, but a woman may experience different symptoms. The best way to determine is by checking for changes in discharge.
Sometimes, a yeast infection may be mistaken as a urinary tract...