Undertaking Credit Repair On Your Own (What To Do And What Not To Do)
If you have recently been turned down for a loan, or for a new credit card, you may be in need of credit repair. Being denied credit is often the result of a bad credit report, which can happen in two circumstances. You have either managed your credit poorly, which has reflected in your credit report; or your credit file has some erroneous items, thus negatively impacting your report. In either situation, it is vital that you undertake credit repair as soon as possible.
Here is a strategy to help with your credit repair. You can do this on your own and can thus repair your credit for free.
Request a copy of your credit report from any one of the 3 credit bureaus. If this is your first request of the year, you will be given the report for free.
Once you have your report, examine it closely. You have to study all the entries and mark all those which are incorrect and which are damaging your credit worthiness.
After you have determined the wrong entries, you have to contact the credit reporting agencies and tell them to delete the erroneous entries from your...