Underwater welding is a high paying, much in demand, lucrative and rewarding profession. Underwater welding also takes a combination of skills. If you are wondering how to get started in this great career, the American Welding Society makes recommendations at their web site to encourage young people to enter the career field of underwater welding.
To get a basic idea of just what it takes, here are a few skills you should have. First you must be both a certified welder and a commercial diver. It is essential to have good diving skills and equally essential to place a premium on safety. Most of the tasks involved in the job of an underwater welder are not the welding itself, but the things that need to be done to get ready for the job.
Those interested in becoming underwater welders can attend one of the many fine commercial diving schools. Most of them offer a certificate of completion and acceptance as a commercial diver upon completion. You will also need to pass a diving physical exam, and often times a written exam as well. The Association of Commercial Diving Education provides a list of certified diving schools by writing the Association of Diving...