Exams are an essential part of life of any student, but still there are discussions over their necessity. Exams cause strain, various complications and make students feel nervous and worn out. But exams on the other hand are a good school of life. Nothing can be more helpful in the future than a recollection of your behaviour under pressure. The situation reminds about a typical exam. Exams stimulate students to study and though they do not keep this information in their heads for long, the impression will remain and be useful in the future. This article is to show all the possible ways to improve and implement to the process.
The exam is not a simple test of your knowledge; it is a test of you nerves, your self-confidence, your manners and your honesty. Passing an exam you have a possibility to create a sensation among committee members and get respect of classmates. This experience may lead you to successful future. Exams are much more difficult than any of the written assignments. During the exam you have to improvise, be prepared for additional questions. As you have already understood exams are not only about knowledge, but also about temper, willingness, manners...