So many people today go through life under the misconception that they aren’t creative or can’t use their creativeness, and thus end up leading ordinary and unsuccessful lives. That is simply not true. The fact is, we all need to exercise and train our creative muscle. Stimulate your creative genius and help it grow.If we don’t practice,or don’t know what to practice, we don’t grow to our potential. Just planting a seed is never enough, we must nurture it until it reaches for the sky. That is the secret to success.
So how can we change this misconception? First, do you want to? Good! Now that we have the very first step in unleashing your creative side, move on to reading everything you can get your hands on. Learn other’s secrets to success. Look for mentors that have what you want. Once you have found one or more mentors, open yourself up for the infinite possibilities. Growth could be slow at first, but once it takes off, you won’t be able to stop it! Success comes from your creative self, unleash your inner success.
A good practice is to focus in on something creative everyday, this is a time to stretch. Pushing your...