When registering your domain name you are paying for a certain amount of time to use it. This means that should you allow the contract to expire your domain name could be bought up by other companies. As the potential of internet exposure is becoming more widely realized domain names that are directly associated to you and your business are becoming more difficult to secure.
Expired Domain Names
The biggest advantage to using an already existing domain name is that that website has already been established, should have already been registered with the search engine companies and will already have existing traffic. Essentially by purchasing an expired domain name you are tapping into the resources that someone else has already created for you and your business. This can take a lot of the hard work of getting your website recognized out of the equation immediately.
A bit of advice when attempting to locate and secure your domain name: there are some companies who will use your attempts to make them extra money. If you type in your intended dmain name and it is registered as unused you may return later to register it and find that it has been taken, with the...