Many new webmasters, and even seasoned web designers, create web sites that are very inefficient in regard to updates. Updating your site keeps visitors coming back day in and day out, while at the same time giving search engines plenty to index. Yet if the task of updating your web site is not an efficient one, hundreds and thousands of hours can be lost. Using simple solutions, such as content management systems, the efficiency of updating a web site can be improved dramatically.
The Trap of a “Simple” Web Site
When I first started learning web design, I learned enough to make a simple web page. “Cool! I made a web page!” I thought. Indeed. Then I proceeded to make an entire web site, several hundred pages deep. “Cool! I made a web site!” Then came time to update the site. This is what I call the trap of a “simple web site.”
An inexperienced webmaster makes a web site using HTML with no CMS (Content Management System), no Style Sheets, no includes, then finds things need to be updated and goes through and changes every single page on the site. Mean while, a Webmaster using includes or a CMS is able to update...