Generally UPS systems are purchased because there is a requirement to protect the client’s essential supplies in the event of a power failure or brownout. Having bought the system however, little consideration is given as to how it will continue to operate over the years. The idea of plug and play conceals the fact that uninterruptible power supplies are highly technical equipment consisting of thousands of sensitive components.
The new uninterruptible power supply system will always come with a manufacturer’s warranty, which would be perceived to offer protection in the event of a failure during the first year.
What is not considered is that although the manufacturer has agreed to guarantee his equipment against failure, it will be repaired during normal working hours and certainly no earlier than the next day, often several days later dependent of the availability of engineers and parts. During this time, of course, the essential load is unprotected,
No UPS = No Protection.
A UPS maintenance contract will offer peace of mind to the client, as not only will the contract offer an agreed response time for an engineer to attend site, it...