What is a credit card wallet? Well a credit card wallet is a separate wallet that you can use to put your credit card in. They are especially useful if you have more than one credit card.
What usually happens is this. You to the mall to buy something specific or even just go window shopping. However once you get there you see lots of goodies at “special prices” and since you have your credit card with you, you start spending. The problem that most people who own credit cards have is this. They find it difficult to resist temptation, which is exactly what the store owners want. Because the more you buy the more profit they make. They don’t care whether you buy with a credit card or whether you’ll be able to repay the money you spend.
So the onus is on you to control your spending, no matter how tempting something it may seem. If you are unable to, then a credit card wallet may be your answer.
If you have a credit card wallet, you don’t have to take your credit card with you wherever you go. This will help you if you are an impulsive spender who can’t resist “special offers” and have to spend all the time....