Used Car Loan Value And How It Can Impact Your Bottom Line
New cars are an expensive investment. Come to think of it, all cars are an expensive investment. But new cars are even more expensive compared to used cars. And with todays present economy, lots of nervous folks have come to see the better sense in buying used cars as opposed to buying a new one.
A new set of wheels could cost you around $21,000 plus. Already, this is a big financial commitment even in the best of times. But what about when times are tight? Can you still afford to spend that much on a car? And is it worth it?
It takes 19.9 weeks of median family income before taxes to buy a new car. The Auto Affordability Index compiled by Detroit-based Comerica Bank stated this in their report during the third quarter of 2003. If you calculate it right, 19.9 is roughly five months worth of salary spent on a car alone. Is this a wise way of spending our hard-earned money? A lot of people disagree. Its simply foolhardy to spend $21,000 on a car when the economy is slowing and the headlines are filled with job layoffs.
Fortunately, many car buyers like yourself are afforded many loan value...