Do you know how to sell your existing annuity? If you want fast cash in large amount, annuities are really viable options but you will not be that profitable until and unless you know how to do it. For those who have gained the experience, the process will be painless but for those who are not well informed, the task can be a tough one! Read the facts below and be knowledgeable NOW!
The first things to be informed about are the terminologies involved in the process. ANNUITY as Wikipedia describes it is a financial product which is sold by financial institutions to offer savings or financial planning. ANNULTANT is a person or persons who are receiving their income from annuity contract. ANNUITY CONTRACT or POLICY is an agreement which states terms and conditions of annuity and issues by an insurance company.
ANNUITY ISSUERS are the companies who issues annuity. The conversion of deferred annuity contract to the income payment stream is called ANNUITIZATION. There are still numerous terms that can flood you when your into selling annuity but the ones mentioned are the basic ones.
So how will the annuity selling prosper? You will need to price your...