Playing online poker has many distinct advantages, one of them being able to use a poker tool to help you learn the game besides the fact that you can play from home without having to travel to a casino. When first learning to play poker using some free poker tools can be quite advantageous. You can learn poker math by using most of these tool. Some of them are even more specialized. Like for example Sit and Go shark which is a nice little program that helps to teach you how to play Sit and Go tournaments. Calculatem Pro is another great program that will help to tech you poker math while you are playing online. Most of these poker tools are available free when you open an account at certain poker room or you can purchase a copy for a nominal fee. Holdem Genius is another free poker tool that will teach you how to play Holdem while you are online. These tools are generally for use online only. The way they work is that when you log on to a poker room that allows the tool to run you can use it while you are playing at the table.
One of the easiest way to learn poker math is to use a tool like Calculatem pro or Holdem Genius. the software actually does all the work for...