If you have a variety of debts, then you may find it hard to keep up with when and where you should pay money, and you may also be paying more than you need to. If this is the case, then you should think about getting a debt consolidation loan. This means you can take all your debts and put them into once place, which will make it easier to budget each month and also reduce your monthly payments.
Why get a debt consolidation loan?
The main reason to get a debt consolidation loan is to get out of immediate debt the fastest way possible. By borrowing a large lump sum of money, you can pay off your existing debts and then pay back one monthly repayment. Although this payment may be lower than your current repayments, it is likely to take longer to pay off. Despite this, it gives you a fresh start and allows you to begin to move out of debt.
How can I consolidate debt?
Although the simplest way to consolidate your debt is to get one large loan, there are many other ways that you can consolidate your current debts and so reduce your monthly payments:
Credit card transfers
One way to reduce your monthly payments is to transfer credit card...