Most credit card companies have low interest credit cards. Usually these will come with a low or no interest rate credit card for six to twelve months. On top of that, these cheap credit cards will go to a high fixed rate or high variable rate card at the end of the free period. These are great cards if you can play the debt off in the specified time; if you can’t then they will cost you plenty over the long haul.
They are also good for some purchases. Let’s say your washer or dryer goes out, and it will cost more to repair than to replace. You can get this type of credit card to purchase your new washer and or dryer from any store you wish, and then have six months to pay off the $300 – $500 dollars instead of renting or waiting.
With this type of card you will have to be willing to part with it once your time limit has expired, after that the rates are like the junk cards you get in the mail, upwards of 18 per cent interest. A few will say different, and be as low as 10% if you have perfect or close to perfect credit rating. If you have missed or were late in the last year, it could jump as high as 25%.
There are a few people that...