Although credit cards are often associated with individuals, using credit cards within business is also a viable option. If you have a business, then using commercial credit cards could really help you to keep track of spending and improve your business cash flow. Here are some tips on how to use commercial credit cards in your business.
What are commercial cards?
Commercial cards are much the same as normal cards, except they are used for business purposes. This means a number of people can use the cards, and that you are not personally liable like you would be for a personal credit card. Commercial cards can be in the form of credit cards, charge cards or debit cards.
Different users
One advantage of having a commercial card is that a number of different people will be able to use the card. The cards can be used by a variety of staff, and you can even specify different credit limits for each card. This means you dont need to be there all the time when large purchases are made for the company.
Monitoring spending
If you are a company that uses cash for minor expenditures like lunches or office equipment, then using a credit card...