Unless you happen to be wealthy and have a lot of free time, chances are you wish you could fly more often than you currently can. Airfare is, of course, the most cost prohibitive element of long distance travel. Many people find themselves in situations where they know someone they could stay with in another city – so accommodations would be free – but there’s simply no way of being able to get there affordably. In terms of discount travel, there are some solutions to expensive airfares that are worth looking into if you are flexible and interested on a short visit rather than a long trip.
One of the cheapest ways you can fly is called courier flying. How this works is: courier companies exist that specialize in delivering relatively small packages quickly – things like important business documents etc. . . and what these companies want is your baggage allotment on a flight. So they will offer extremely discounted fares in order to get your baggage allotment.
If you sign up for a courier flight, your job will be to show up at the airport with carry on luggage only, meet someone with a package who will check it onto the plane in your space...