Obtaining a credit card is fairly easy and if used the right way you won’t get into debt. Credit Cards can pay your bills, college tuition and the next vacation. What you do not want is to be a slave to your credit card.
Principal #1
Only buy something which you planned for in advance and have the money to cover the credit card in the bank when the bill arrives. This allows you to basically take out an interest free loan for a month while your money collects interest in the bank. However, this takes discipline and planning.
Principal #2
Never use the credit card to pay off another credit card. This will only set you up for big time debt and future financial worries.
Principal # 3
Choose a credit card that does not have a yearly fee and gives you air mileage. I like to pay the card off each month and collect air miles at the same time. As a result I have gotten a free trip to Tahiti and Europe. It always feels good when get free stuff without paying a dime in interest. You need to try to convert everything that you usually pay cash into a credit card. This allows you to take advantage of borrowing someone else’s money....