Since the beginning of networking related certification one of the recurring problems that have faced candidates is getting access to hardware to familiarize themselves with how network operating systems work. Traditionally candidates have been limited to hunting for great deals on old or refurbished equipment to buy, renting equipment time from rack rental vendors, using severely limited router simulator programs, or testing configurations on live customer networks and praying that the help desk’s phone doesn’t ring. Today candidates now have an additional option for creating a Cisco IOS testbed, an emulation program known as Dynamips”.
Started in August of 2005 by Christophe Fillot, Dynamips is a Linux and Windows based application that is used to emulate the hardware of the Cisco 7200 and 3600 series routing platforms. Unlike traditional router simulators” Dynamips allows you to boot real Cisco IOS software images and build complex network topologies to test the functionality of IOS on your desktop PC. As of November 2006 Dynamips currently supports Ethernet, Serial, ATM, and POS interfaces for the 7200 series routers and Ethernet, Serial, and...