There is a wonderful feeling to having a credit card when you need one, but that blanket term “credit card” can be misleading at times. Not all credit cards are the same, and this goes beyond the APR that most people are aware of. Before choosing a credit card, consider what it is that you plan to use it for. This can make a big difference in how you use it and what you will pay in charges and fees for using it.
There are some consumers who will pay off their bill each and every month, and rarely, if ever, carry the balance over into the next billing cycle. If you intend to follow this routine, then APR will not matter as much to you. Keep in mind that finance charges do not kick in unless you carry over a balance. If you pay in full, you do not incur finances charges which are based on the company APR.
For those who will be paying the full balance each month, consider a credit card that has a longer grace period and has no annual fees. This allows you to use the credit for little, if any, charge. Do keep in mind, however, that if you happen to lapse and carry a balance, you will have to pay the finance charges and then APR will matter to...