Keeping your credit card debts in check should be your sole aim in life if you want to live a financially viable life, because if you dont the fall out of having a lot of debt on your credit cards can start to affect other parts of your life.
As much as credit cards are a handy spending tool, they are double the trouble if they are not taken care of and can give you problems that you could never have imagined when you first applied for the card.
Though credit cards are becoming a must have tool to have in this day and age, to book things such as concert tickets and theatre tickets over the phone or to buy goods at cheaper prices on the Internet, what you have top remember is that a credit card has a higher than normal APR attached to it, than other debt such as Personal Loans and Mortgages.
There are though a few simple and common sense practices that you can apply to your credit card and the way that you spend on it.
Firstly you can try and be a little choosier on the purchases that you make, we all know how handy the credit card is to use on purchases that you dont have the ready cash for, but to buy goods that your income can simply support is a...