Using Your Credit Report: Why You Should Check The Information
Banks, credit card companies, mortgage lenders and just about every financial institution uses credit scoring to determine your suitability for loans or finance. Unfortunately, many people dont even think about using your credit report to check your score before applying for a loan or credit card, and you could be in for a nasty shock! Being turned down for credit can often come as a surprise for unsuspecting consumers, so using your credit report in advance is essential to check that all the facts are correct and relevant. It is important that you obtain your credit report from a reputable credit scoring company, as there are an increasing number of unscrupulous websites claiming to hold this information.
Using your credit report to check the details.
The first thing to do when you receive your credit report is to check every entry. This includes your names (including any previous names before marriage), addresses past and present and any other personal information. You should then have a look at the current and past credit institutions that you have any arrangements with and make sure that...