If you need money for home improvements or a business, then you could use your mortgage to generate the credit you need. Although using your mortgage to generate credit shouldnt be your first choice, if other lines of credit are closed to you then releasing equity from your home is a good way to generate a line of credit.
When should you release equity?
Releasing equity should definitely not be your first choice for generating credit. If you need money over a short period, then try using credit cards or save up the money. You could also get a personal loan. However, if you have a lot of equity paid for in your property and you need a large sum of money, then equity release could be helpful. Also, if other lines of funding are not open to you because of poor credit or other reasons, then equity release might be for you.
One way to release equity in your property is to remortgage. You simply have to get a new mortgage, borrowing more than you currently owe on your property. This way you can make use of some of the capital you have already paid back into your home to consolidate debt or make home improvements.
Mortgage for...