In the new realm of Internet marketing, visibility and search ranking are two items that one needs to be fully aware of, since enhanced visibility and good rankings make for greater clicks by web users and profits for sites that sell their products or services.
Currently, there is a lot of misinformation lingering on the Net regarding Search Engine Optimization or SEO and marketing, therefore it is imperative that customers and web users get to have some facts laid out clearly, in order to prevent tripping on a lot of errors and misconceptions. Here are some of those common misconceptions about SEO’s.
* Not Enough Link Popularity.
Some search engines make almost every attempt to qualify the results which are laid out in search results. They try to do this is by tracking the number and quality of the incoming links to a web site. A website with a huge number of incoming links from quality sites is given a higher ranking in search results with regards to SEO.
This is an important factor to consider, and is sometimes over-looked by those attempting to market web sites. SEO service providers and link services that promise to link your site to...