Domain name registration prices are a market that is pretty well stable. There are higher and lower prices with various companies, but overall they are within a few dollars of one another. Where the prices of domain name registration can really be compared is within the realm of number of domains, number of years, and the suffixes. So here is a little bit about domain name registration prices compared based on the length of time, number of domains, and the suffix the name has.
The fist part of domain name registration prices compared is the number of domains that you are registering. With most any reputable registration company, you will get a better price per domain with more domain names registered at the same time. So in order to get the best price you will usually need to register hundreds of domains. You can expect to save as much as 11% if you register in bulk with your domain registrar.
Another to consider when domain name registration prices are compared is the number of years you register for at the same time. For instance, if you register for just one year you may only pay four dollars, but if you register your domain name for 10 years you could save...