In Vedic astrology, the three most outer planets of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn each cast a special aspect. The word aspect is actually not very accurate. Like many Western words that try to convey Eastern concepts, the actual word is “drishti” which means “look” or “glance”. For you see, in Vedic thinking, culture and cosmology — the planets are beings of intelligence that have been around since time immemorial. Their movements and energies are not just relevant as “archetypes” – they represent real forces, eternal forces of the universe that transcend our 80 to 100 year lifespan. They connect us to that eternal, cosmic nature that we forget here on the flat Earth in which we live in our day to day lives. Each of these planets are bodies of light that can “see” in different directions. Saturn sees 3 signs in front and 10 signs in front. That is his special look. This look conveys the essence of his nature.
With Saturn occupying Leo he will be “watching” the sign of Libra and the Sun of Taurus for the next two years, both ruled by Venus. If anyone has planets in Sidereal Libra or Taurus,...