Video Podcasting And Its Use To Promote Home Based Internet Businesses
Video podcasting is a fancy term for distributing a video clip by way of RSS enclosures or Atom. In this case the RSS feed is used very much like a television channel and interested parties can subscribe by using their computers, a television, a media center or a mobile multimedia device of one kind or another.
Video podcasts can be distributed in one of two ways- either as a stream or as a file. When sent as a file it is sent as a complete video podcast whereas streaming means that parts of the file are left out and the individual can choose to watch only what interests him or her. As long as you have an Internet connection and a web host that permits media file hosting you can create and distribute a video podcast for your home based internet business.
Video podcasting works much like an advertisement and that means that it is a tremendous advantage to your home based business, as it is an excellent promotional tool. You can do practically anything you choose on your podcast to promote your internet business therefore the options are many. In other words you can choose exactly what...