If you have an informational video stream that receives significant hits you could derive an income from selling video ads from third parties at the start of your video stream.
The rate can be based on a set amount per click or a once monthly (or weekly) fee. Some online firms are using this as a means of bolstering income from your website. This can be a creative and lucrative way to capitalize on your video stream.
However, if you want to place a focus on your own marketing efforts you might consider a streaming video advertisement featuring the positive aspects of your online presence. This can be a cross promotional advertisement that can assist in web branding efforts.
You might have to give up any advertising revenue you might have received and there may be production costs in developing a video stream ad, but it could also be a positive addition to your online presence.
Video streaming has become a bit like an on demand micro video channel. Thousands of videos are now on demand online with more and more television content available. You can download video streams of the latest movie trailers and find both entertaining video streams along with...