We perceive the world through our senses. But it is only through the eyes that we see the world. The sense of hearing and touching may enable us to picture things but nothing compares to what the eyes can perceive.
Our sense of sight is so important so much so that imagination can only begin to take shape through them. The picture that the sense of hearing can paint to us is relative to the imagination of what the sense of sight has seen. It would be very difficult to demonstrate beauty if one has never seen color or figures in harmony. It takes the experience of sight to begin with.
People who are endowed with the gift of sight may find it difficult to appreciate this gift. They tend to ignore the importance of it as though one is expected of having them. A person who views the world through a glass may very well value the difference of it. Wearing spectacles is never that easy. You can just imagine how that person goes about his life depending much on his pair of eyeglasses. It is very important then that much care has to be given to our eyes.
Our eyes being a very sensitive organ must always be given much attention. Nature has its ways of caring for the...