Visitors Leave After Seeing My Home Page Aye, Carumba!
One of the keys to a profitable web site is analyzing your hits to visitor ratio. What does it mean if you have a low hit to visitor ratio? This article provides the answer
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An effective means for analyzing web site traffic is to look at the number of hits per visitor for a time period. To do this, you simply divide the number of hits by the number of visitors for the time period in question. Time periods can be a day, week, month or quarter of a year. Dont look at any time smaller than a day as the data may not create an accurate picture of the traffic.
Assume you have the best damn dang hair net site on the net. You have over 1,000 hair nets of every variation, color, material and weave. For those of you not in the know, a hair net is one of those things people working in fast food places have to wear. I have no idea why, but I am sure there was a lawsuit once that makes complete and total sense.
Anyway, a site with over 1,000 hair nets should have a massive number of pages. Logically, every visitor to the site should click through more than a few pages while looking for the...