Creative visualization is the use of ones imagination to create a mental picture of what it is you wish to manifest, thus influencing reality. Creating an idea or mental picture in your brain of exactly what it is you really want is to define the ability to imagine.
Repetition on a regular basis with strong emotions and intent gives the idea or mental picture you are trying to create positive energy until it becomes real.
Science is starting to reflect the ideas of metaphysical and spiritual leaders that our physical world constitutes energy and not matter something that has been known to such enlightened folks for centuries. The most basic ingredient of this energy is a force which is called prana.
Thus visualizing prana energy entering through your nose and circulating throughout your body will have a tremendous revitalizing effect on your whole body & general outlook on life. Visualization is not a new, strange or unusual concept for you are visualizing something practically every minute of the day.
The idea is to dwell on those thoughts you would like to become reality not as some future fantasy but as if they are real today and are part of...