Most often, the effects of vitamins and vitamin deficiencies are spread over a period of time. If your body isnt getting sufficient amounts of a particular vitamin, it may take weeks, months or even years of low levels before the effects are evident. And when you start a vitamin regimen, it may take a significant period of time for your body to begin exhibiting the effects of having sufficient levels.
Vitamin K otherwise known as potassium is commonly associated with leg cramps. If a Vitamin K deficiency is the cause of your leg cramps, its likely that adding the vitamin to your daily routine can give you ease in a relatively short period of time.
One of the bigger (but less commonly known) reasons for Vitamin K in the human body has to do with blood clotting. This vitamin allows blood to coagulate so that it forms clots naturally. This makes it important for anyone taking medications to thin the blood to carefully monitor the amount of Vitamin K they add to their body. If youre taking an anti-coagulant drug, talk to your doctor before adding any vitamin to your daily routine or changing your diet especially if those changes involve Vitamin K supplements or...