Doctor Julian Jaynes wrote about a woman who talked daily to her long-dead grandmother, who she saw sitting in a chair each morning. As far as the doctor could tell, the woman never suffered any ill effects from this. In fact, she readily accepted that it was a hallucination, which didn’t bother her at all. She just found the conversations, and her grandmother’s advice, helpful.
Advice From Ghosts
Hallucinations aren’t necessary, but why not have a conversation in your head with somebody helpful? If you want advice on love, talk to the Dalai Lama. Talk to Andrew Carnegie or Lee Iacocca if you want to make a factory more productive. Albert Einstein might even give you a creative idea or two.
Imagination Needs Form To Function
You have a powerful imagination, but you may not have a powerful way to use it. This is what you get with a conversation in your head; a way to access the creative power of your mind. You’ll be surprized how often your imaginary Einstein comes up with an interesting idea, or asks you a question that produces something useful.
Use an image of someone you respect and know something about. This helps...