To increase awareness when it comes to traffic safety issues. To reduce the number of accidents in humanitarian aid transports. These are just two of the main aims and goals of the Volvo Group. You see, the Volvo Group is currently initiating cooperation along with forty other humanitarian aid organizations around the globe so as to be able to make these aims become reality. To assist with this endeavor, Volvos own accident research team would also be contributing and providing more information to help out with the analysis.
A declaration of intent was signed by Volvo. Now this declaration of intent actually includes cooperation in the whole area of road safety with Fleet Forum. Fleet Forum is actually a voluntary association of around forty humanitarian aid organizations worldwide. Part of the terms and conditions included and stated in the declaration of intent, Volvo would also be there to assist out these organizations in analyzing traffic accidents and recommend measures to increase general road safety awareness of traffic safety issues. They would also be working on reducing the number of accidents and save more lives along the way.
To further facilitate...