For individuals with disability, walking aids can help change their lives. These simple mobility walking aids can give them back the independence and mobility that they lost. In times when you want to get out of your wheelchair for a little exercise, walking aids can be used. Walking aids are likewise ideal when visiting a place that is not accessible by wheelchair.
Any disabled person who wishes to remain active and independent can gain a great deal by using walking aids. By having a walking support, many are able to continue with many or more activities that they enjoy doing. Walking aids are also important to enhance safety when pain, balance and fatigue are factors.
There are several types of walking aids such as canes, crutches, walkers and rollators. These walking aids are fairly portable and lightweight. Canes come in various styles. Single point canes offer some stability while quad canes give a more sturdy footing. If you intend to use the cane for long term, it is better to purchase quad canes. Crutches are also available in several varieties. It is important though to pay attention to the height restrictions when purchasing a crutch. Walkers are...