A word of warning upfront, if you have a wallpaper removal task ahead of youre your in for a bit of work. Make sure you set aside a considerable amount of time for this project as you may run into tough spots and problem areas that will eat up a lot of time. Removing wallpaper however, while not a fun task, can be done quickly and easily if you are prepared.
First get the room ready. Remove everything from the room that can be removed. This includes furniture and rugs where possible. When the room is emptied cover the floor with a drop cloth in the area you will be working. This will aid in cleanup later.
Now get all of your tools together:
Glue Dissolving Agent
Blunt Scraper
Sharp Scraper
Goggles and a mask are on the list first for a good reason. You will have little pieces of who knows how old paper with who know what kind of glue on it flying and dripping all over the place. Wear the goggles and the mask whenever you are doing the least bit of work.
I cant underestimate the importance of the perforator. They come in a couple styles and sizes. ...