Oh the debate Should I use wallpaper or paint on my walls? Every one has their own personal preference. Some strongly side with wallpaper; others staunchly stand-up for paint and painting. Each has advantages.
Paint is one of the most common forms of decorating walls. It is simple and comes in a wide spectrum of colors. Every shade you can think of is possible. The variety is truly astounding with shades within shades and subtly different hues. Perhaps, this can become a problem: too much choice. Even among the whites, there are various shades: pearl, off-white, cream, eggshell, chalk, Queen Annes lace. One book listed some fifty different shades of white for a would-be decorator to choose from.
In addition to the shades or hues, painters are allowed a selection of types. This applies beyond interior and exterior paint and extends to glossy, matte and flat and anything in between. Glossy captures the light and reflects it, enhancing the color; matte is dull, neutral, letting the color speak for itself.
All these characteristics of paint must be factored in. You need to decide the purpose of painting a room, the colors required to best present...