Think about it. You get up every morning, jolted awake to a screaming alarm clock. Rush around trying to find your socks, your keys, your coffee. Start up your car, scrape the ice off (if you’re like me and live in Canada, winter always involves a lot of scraping!), and manage your pole position in traffic. Once you finally make it, you look around. Lucky you. You get to spend the next 8 hours (I had 11) with people you can’t stand, pretending that this is the only place you would ever want to be. You work your finger to the bone, so that someone else can make money, and in return give you a minuscule share.
If you love your job and make a fantastic living, please don’t read this, I’m not writing for you. You can go back to work.
But if you’re like me, you hate the alarm clock, you hate the ice, the traffic, your moronic coworkers who probably make more than you, and you HATE your boss. Now, he or she may be a lovely person outside of the office. But for those long hours of the day, that boss is the eyes that burn into the back of your head, telling you to work harder, give more.
I used to drive home crying. Crying for hating...