Think losing weight on an all-you-can-eat diet is the stuff of infomercials? Think again.
Obese subjects placed on a vegan diet -excluding meat and animal products, but not limiting calories – lost more weight than a control group that followed a low-calorie, low-cholesterol diet, in a collaborative study by George Washington University and Georgetown University.
The veg edge: approximately 13 pounds lost over 14 weeks for the vegan dieters, versus 8 pounds for the control group.
More recently, the same researchers reviewed 87 studies on vegan or vegetarian diets, concluding that the high-fiber, high-water, low-fat content of vegan or vegetarian diets – not calorie counting per se – was responsible for weight loss. Indeed, overweight individuals who “went vegan” lost about a pound per week, regardless of additional lifestyle changes made.
Other research found that vegetarian women weigh less. After evaluating the diet and health data of 56,000 Swedish women, Tufts University researchers found the meat eaters were significantly more likely to be overweight when compared to their vegetarian peers: 40 percent of...