Students of Hustle & TECHknow are seeking part time jobs to utilize skills they have learned in Microsoft Office- Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Adobe Photoshop, HTML tags and Visual Basic. Students are eagerly creating websites for entry into the Oracle Think quest competition.
Hustle & TECHknow is a technology preparatory high school serving dropouts ages 16-19. Hustle & TECHknow is located in Downtown Detroit on the campus of its partner, Compuware Corporation, allowing students first hand view of the corporate technology world. Ida Byrd-Hill, founder of Hustle & TECHknow, believes Corporate America especially technology, is the ultimate hustle and that urban youth need more exposure to this hustle. With that premise she affectionately names this unique school where students attend classes virtually 5 hours a day, Hustle & TECHknow.
Students, ages 13-23, are considered technical natives having been raised with cell phones, DVDs, video games consoles and PM3 players since birth. These students have developed the skill of self challenge that drives their mastery of video games in which they can be found manipulating — every day of...