Water pollution has always been a major problem to the environment. With industrialization in major areas and urban cities growing the water around them just keeps getting polluted. The sad part about the whole ordeal is that water pollution can be prevented in a lot of cases.
A lot of water pollution is caused by factories near rivers and lakes doing illegal dumping. This hurts wildlife because the pollution will flow down the river hurting plants and animals. In some cases it can be fatal.
Another big form of water pollution comes from fisherman and yacht owners. People who are just out to enjoy the sun will throw their waste overboard or have a leaky engine. A lot of them dont care because it doesnt usually directly effect how their day is going to turn out.
The nice thing is that if your boat is caught illegally dumping or not meeting basic standards you can be forced to pay a large fine. By putting laws such as these into effect water pollution has decreased some. However, it still isnt anywhere nears what it needs to be.
There have also been rules and regulations given to transport lines, especially concerning fuel tankers. When a fuel tanker...