Watering a lawn in the proper manner is one of the most misunderstood and most neccessary steps in keeping up a healthy, attractive lawn. Most people water there lawn too long and not often enough.
Here are some awesome guidlines
to ensure a the most effective and efficient method to properly water your lawn. First of all soak your lawn only to the depth of the root zone and no further. Each time you water you should moisten the soil to a depth of 6-8 in. when watering bluegrass and 8-11 in. on other grasses. This will ensure that you wter only to the grass’s active root zone. The length of time and amount of water it will take to moisten the root zone depend on soil type and the irrigation system. Sandy soils will be penetrated more quickly and more deeply than clay and other softer soils.
To determine the length of time required to moisten your lawn’s root zone:
This is an awesome formula given by a well known University…Run the sprinklers for 15 minutes. Twenty-four hours later, dig a small hole in the ground or use a probe to determine how deeply the soil is moistened. You will use this information to determine how long to water...