There are several options available for you if you are in credit card debt and do not want to declare bankruptcy. One option is obtaining a debt consolidation loan and closing all existing credit lines. Debt consolidation is where you take a new unsecured loan and use the funds to pay off your outstanding debts. All this does is revolve your debt so its not really a wise choice.
What an unsecured debt consolidation loan will do is consolidate all your unsecured debt and help you avoid bankruptcy. This new money can save you hundreds of dollars per month if you choose to use your loan to pay off existing debt – especially high rate credit cards. Even if you dont own a home, you could qualify for their debt consolidation loan. But dont forget now you will have to pay this loan back.
Debt consolidation loans are repayable over a longer term at a relatively low interest rate. This means that the monthly repayments are lower. If the loan is secured on your property then the interest rate and payments may be even lower.
But you must compare the pros and of debt consolidation loans before taking the plunge. There are two options for consolidating debts ...