Credit card debt is something that almost everyone suffers from, but it need not be a problem you have to suffer from the rest of your life. As long as you have the discipline to tighten your belt and manage your finances, credit card debt can soon be completely and permanently eliminated from your life.
Ways to Get Out of Credit Card Debt
Getting out of credit card debt is a slow and gradual process. Its not something you can immediately cut off from your life. Be patient and diligent, and your efforts will pay off sooner later.
Step #1 Determining the Best First Step
In a practical point of view, the best credit card debt to tackle first is the one charging you the highest interest rate. Even if it doesnt have the highest amount consumed of its limit, its still what you should start paying off first because it presents the greatest possible risk to yourself.
Some people, however, prefer to pay off the lowest total amount due on their credit cards first. Although this is not the most practical thing to do, mathematically speaking, it could still be a good choice for your first step if seeing your credit card statement reflecting zero debt could...