The medical community generally views fatigue as a source of mystery — a complex physical condition that afflicts millions of people worldwide. It is not quite on the same level as being tired, as most people can easily say that they are beyond tired by the time fatigue sets in. Fatigue sets the body into a state of near-total lethargy. When fatigue sets in, the continuation of other physical activities is almost always nearly impossible. Further activity could result in muscle spasms and pain in various parts of the body. Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments suffered by people with fatigue. In some cases, a fatigued individual may experience somnolence due to fatigue, though excessive physical labor is not the only cause of somnolence.
It is also possible for a person to experience a sort of mental fatigue that, in most respects, is not linked to the overexertion of the body. The mind is just like any other muscle of the body which requires periodic rest. Typically, mental fatigue sets in when someone experiences a rapid decline in mental functions including the reduction of analytical skills and creative thought. In rare cases, the ability to...