On a ranch near the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming a rancher listens to the local news on the radio on his way to work. He stops and looks over a meadow filled with grazing cattle. His pickup door squeals a protest as he steps out of the warm cab into the cold mountain air. Hes been up since five and watches as the sun begins to peek over the range to the east.
He tips his hat back and stretches and twists as bones pop and crackle. He downs another mouthful of what will have to pass as coffee as he rubs his stubbed chin and gazes at the cattle waiting on the other side of the fence.
He backs his horse out of the trailer and saddles up. Soon other trucks arrive and more men arrive to get the cattle rounded up. Other vehicles arrive a little later and a full meal is prepared for those involved in the cattle branding.
Some cattle will be dehorned, some vaccinated and all will be branded. Its not that the rancher enjoys the pain a branding has on his herd as much as he is interested in maintaining the integrity of the herd.
After all, its not uncommon for a fence to blow down allowing the cattle to wander. A brand is the only way to know for sure which...