A browser is an application that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web. Technically, a web browser uses HTTP to make requests of web servers throughout the Internet on behalf of the browser user. In other words, a web browser is a software application that allows one to view pages on the World Wide Web.
The history of the web browser can be traced back to 1991, when a computer guru named Tim Berners-Lee invented the very first web browser. It premiered on February 26, 1991, and ran on NeXSTEP. It was called WorldWideWeb, but was later renamed Nexus in an effort to avoid confusion with the World Wide Web.
There are different web browsers that are available and in use today and they all come with a variety of features. Some of the available web browsers include Amaya, AOL Explorer, Arachne, Arlington Kiosk, Avant, Camino, Dillo, Elinks, Epiphany, Flock, Galeon, iCab, Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer for Mac, K-Meleon, KioWare, Konqueror, Links, Lynx, Maxthon, Mosaic, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, OmniWeb, SeaMonkey, Safari, Opera and Off By One. Most of these web browsers are free, but there are five of them...