Web Business: What’s In A (Domain) Name? For Casino Sites, A Lot
You’ve seen them before and wondered what the heck they were thinking: small businesses with domain names like “http://reallylonganduniquebusinessname.biz”. Half-out-loud you say: what, was “http://reallylonganduniquebusinessname.com” taken? A new advertising technique of “illegal” casino websites helps prove that your snickering is absolutely justified.
Cheapskates and Johnny-dot-Com-Lately’s
If you’ve consulted for small business websites as long as I have, you have probably encountered more than a few whose owners decided to save three dollars at Godaddy by buying a dot-biz domain name. Or a dot-net, dot-info, or dot-whatever was on sale that week.
Whatever it is, forget trying to tell them that they may have lost out in thousands of dollars of business from type-ins. That is, from all the people who will type in the dot-com version and get an error message–or a parked domain advertising naughty-naughty pictures. Nor should you tell them that everyone who knows a dot-biz from a dot-com knows that the former is usually...