“We find that Web sites have three seconds to make an impression.” – Jeff Rosenblum, Questus
According to a 2005 report on holiday shopping conducted by Questus, it was web design and function that held the most meaning to online visitors. Roger Park in a report based on those findings said, 70 percent of online shoppers consider web design as a key role in 2005 online holiday spending.
The report went on to say, Over 30 percent of online shoppers cited navigation, the checkout process, and product descriptions as critical site aspects that impacted their completion of online purchases.
Users cite lengthy registration requests as a primary reason they avoided certain online retailers. However, to explain how motivated online shoppers have become you need to understand that 77% of online users during the 2005 holiday season actually conducted an online purchase.
“Information overload is a critical and consistent problem, and in this study we found that Web users were more likely to say that a site had too many links as opposed to too few links.” Jeff Rosenblum, Questus
More than 3/4th of the respondents indicated...